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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৭ অক্টোবর ২০১৯

Teaching is not a money making profession: UGC Chairman

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2019-10-07

                       Teaching is not a money making profession: UGC Chairman



University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh Chairman Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah on Sunday (06 October, 2019) said that teaching is not a profession for becoming rich, rather it is a profession for building the nation.


 “Morality, dedication and commitment are highly needed to become a teacher. People in this profession should come by choice. Only the best candidates with right mental frame should get the job,” he said.


The UGC Chairman made the remarks while addressing a programme of College Education Development Project (CEDP) as the Chief Guest.


Professor Kazi Shahidullah called upon the college authorities not to appoint wrong people in the recruitment process. “We have to suffer for a long term if disqualified and unskilled people are recruited,” he observed.


He said that UGC is concerned about the quality of country’s tertiary education. “Quality education is very important for us and we are trying to improve this situation.” The UGC Chairman also said that there is mismatch between the actual knowledge acquired and grade received by the students in their exam results.


“Earlier, we selected students , seeing their merit position. Today, we are not happy about their knowledge against their acquired grade points. Even, GPA 5 holders are failed to get admitted in university. It is creating problem in the society”, he noted.


He also said “we have many students but they don’t have the required knowledge and skills to get proper jobs due to lack of qualified teachers. “It is a teachers’ problem as they are not properly trained. The situation will not improve until teachers’ quality improves,” he added.


Dr. Ferdous Zaman, Director of Planning and Development Division, UGC, Dr. AKM Mokhlesur Rahman, Project Director of CEDP and Dr. Mokhlesur Rahman, Senior Operation’s Officer, World Bank, among others, were present.